Hatred and persecution

Scott L Jacobsen in his blog The Wittenburg Door asks plaintively,

I guess you would have to define “hatred” clearly. Sin is not, in my opinion, something to ignore, accept, redefine, allow, promote, teach, advocate for, etc…

Is it hatred to say, with the Catholic bishops, that “homosexuality is fundamentally disordered?” Is it hatred to say that the norm for families should be two parent, monogamous, and heterosexual? It is hatred to say that anything else falls short of God’s standard?

The reason I am also interested in hate is that it is almost illegal to say anything contrary to very current opinion on these matters….Because I dissent, I have been labelled a hater, although I have never advocated the abuse or mistreatment of anyone guilty of a particular sin. I do not seek to withhold human rights from any individual. I do find that most of the suppression of fundamental human rights today, in Western nations, are coming from the liberal-homosexual/lesbian/transsexual/bisexual (etc) side of the aisle.

Then he asks a useful question.

So what is “hate,” and who are the “haters?”

Well, Charles Worley, the “pastor” videoed calling for concentration camps so we could die out is a hater. Many people feel disgust when they think of gay people, especially gay lovemaking, just as in past times many people felt disgust when they thought of black people. Evangelical Christians tell each other that condemning gay lovemaking is righteous, and so express such disgust and anger freely. I think they are haters, expressing those feelings. Disgust, fear and anger do not bring God’s children to God.

I accept the argument that the prejudice of the powerful is most pernicious, and the resentment of the less powerful is not the same. The problem is that Scott Jacobsen believes the LGBT folks are the powerful now, the Evangelicals are the victims. So, what else is “hatred”?

“Defending traditional marriage” is hatred. Married straight people in the US have tax and immigration privileges gay long term couples do not share. In the UK, a “civil partnership” is “separate but equal”- the Government recognises that that is discriminatory, and the difference will be removed. Traditional marriage until the late 19th century meant a man owning his wife’s property, and in the UK she was not allowed to refuse sex until the 1990s. Traditional marriage subordinated the wife to the husband. The idea of marriage as a love match between equals is modern. Any act supportive of subordinating women to men, or refusing the privileges of straight people to gay people, is hatred. That includes speaking for or voting for “defence of marriage” legislation.

What of stating that the Bible states gay lovemaking is a sin, and that the person believes gay lovemaking is a sin? I call that hatred too. Usually, it is married people like Scott Jacobsen stating it. He is referring to a “sin” to which he has no temptation. Why? What business is it of his? Look to your own sins, Scott. How much time do you devote to condemning those who have divorced and remarried? It is the emphasis, the time wasted, on this, that makes it hatred. Keep your belief to yourself. Its validity does not depend on whether others agree. If you really believed it, you would know that.

What of a Christian running a hotel, who wants to refuse a double room to a gay couple?  The European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights, and increasing numbers of US states say that he should not. If he wants to keep sin out of his hotel, the only way is to keep humans out. Does he ensure that all straight couples staying there are married? No? Then why the emphasis on gay people?

Being gay is innate. Hatred for it is like hatred of people with a particular skin or hair colour. Being Christian is a large part of many people’s identity, but belief in the sinfulness of gay lovemaking need not be as important in it as it is in some churches.

So, who is the hater, Scott? You are. Stop obsessing about gay people. Think about something else.

This site says that the icon, above, is of Sts Sergius and Bacchus the Great Martyrs. This site says that it is the Emperor Basil I and his companion John, getting married.

9 thoughts on “Hatred and persecution

  1. Most Christians do revert back to the Old Testament not realizing that at the end of the Old Testament, there is a verse that says it all. ‘The old has passed away, all things have become new, the veil is torn’~translation= get the flip over yourself and quit being pious, the rules are null and void, they mean nothing~and in the New Testament, ‘This is my one commandment to you, ‘Love one another as I have loved you’~translation~I don’t care where you’re from, who you are, who you choose to love, what your class is, what color your skin is, if you’ve sinned, if you’ve done unspeakable crimes, I will love you and grant you forgiveness because you are My brother, you are My sister and I will guide you as I would anyone.
    It doesn’t speak well for Christians of the mindset that God judges “anybody” with hatred but only in the light of love, if we walked up to one of them and said, “God hates you because you’re __________(fill it in), they’d be the first to say OH NO!! God is love!! Then, as they go through their daily lives, bringing hatred to the table and judging when that right is reserved for God Himself, who judges no one with hatred.
    I really enjoyed your perspective and continue to pray for the people who are blinded by their own ideals. I am hopeful that one day, all will live in unity, how that happens, is up to our God…yes, He is OUR God Too 🙂


  2. Dear Clare

    We don’t care, so much, perhaps, as listen, try to be reasonable, and wonder if there is any truth in it. After all, they might have a point? ….. It is only later when we mull it over, we spot the flaws in the argument, understand the weakness behind unkindness, and wish we could have remembered, when we needed to, the exact chapter and verse to put them in their place, and make them ashamed, as they seek to shame others.

    But we know our truth, can feel and honour that. The rest is detail.

    I really love your posts: the variety and beauty of your thoughts and of the images you post. I can appreciate art, from here, and I really do thank you!

    Have a wonderful day. XX 🙂 ♥


    • Mmm. I would so love to bring them round to my way of thinking! I am not going to change my femaleness for their heresy, my femaleness is more right, more natural, and more fundamental. It really is they who should change.


    • Welcome. I am delighted to have you here too.

      You make me think of reclaiming. “Rotten queer Christian”, “queer Jesus freak”. A word of power for me is “John”, my Christian name. How much of reclaiming the word is empowering, and taking away its power, and how much is acquiescing in the condemnation?

      I think it should be possible to be an Evangelical Christian and gay, just as it is possible to be an Evangelical Christian and black. At the moment, the people who should be your soul-mates and allies, other Evangelicals, in many cases condemn and despise you.


  3. I believe man is in a fallen state = rotten, And the rest is pretty easy to get. I’m not a soft man, so it fits me. I know the last groups that will give any leeway to homosexuals are the Evangelicals/Charismatics/Pentecostals, all the more reason my voice is needed. We are a unique bunch in the Church spectrum, trust me. lol


  4. rather paradoxically Jesus never commented on homosexuality. The Church needs to accept the existence of God as a person who will guide us all on our journey individually. We are all sinners, saved by grace.


    • Welcome, Andy.

      Don’t get me on to what the Church needs! I have read idiots say that Jesus did comment on homosexuality, because he was God and God dictated the Bible. Or something. In Christianity there is the huge difficulty in balancing our wrongness and our acceptability, our falling short and our nature as brothers and sisters of Jesus, in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a paradox. People overemphasise one side or the other.


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