
Some useful links and relevant research on trans people for some time, to overcome myths. If you know of research you think is valuable, please put a link in the comments. I have written various posts about individual papers, and about efforts to count trans people. I will add to this page as I have time.

9 August 2023: the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that the median regret score for chest masculinisation surgery was 0 on a hundred point scale: no regrets. A survey was sent to patients who had received the surgery at a particular institution between 1 January 1990 and 29 February 2020. 235 patients were eligible, and 139 responded.

Puberty suppression for children:

October 2022: A study of 720 people who had started puberty blockers between age 13 and 16.9 in the Netherlands found 98% were still on hormone treatment at follow-up. This means that treatment is right, not that cis children are somehow made trans by blockers. Source: The Lancet.

Reasons for detransition:

May 2021: Of 2242 people who had transitioned then detransitioned, 82.5% reported an external driving factor such as pressure from family and social stigma. Source: LGBT Health.

Why randomised controlled trials are inappropriate for adolescent trans health interventions.

My own posts:

February 2017: A study of 325 trans patients reported in 2005 that psychological function and body satisfaction improved after treatment.

August 2021. An analysis of the original paper on “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” shows how there is no evidence for the concept. Littman herself called it a mere hypothesis.