The UK election and Trans

How does Trans affect the British general election, and how will the election affect trans?

The Labour Party

Labour is not particularly trans supportive, but better than the Tories. Its manifesto shows trans rights would continue to be squeezed, under Labour.

17 June: Tony Blair’s Holyrood magazine interview gave a politician’s answer, with something for everyone. He admitted trans people exist, but said “a woman has a vagina and a man has a penis”. That was the bit the Press Association said Keir Starmer had been challenged on, and had agreed. Blair also said some people might reassign their gender, but he thought inclusive language for trans men and nonbinary people “ridiculous”; if women were uncomfortable with those genuine trans women in women’s changing rooms, the trans should be excluded; and, despite all the research, he thought trans children might detransition so there must be “great care” before hormone treatment. As if anyone ever prescribed it for shits and giggles.

The Conservative Party

2 June: the Tories announce they would have a complete ban on trans women in women’s services.

11 June: their manifesto is ruthlessly anti-trans.

The Liberal Democrats

10 June: The LibDem manifesto is published, and is strongly trans-supportive.

23 May: Before the LibDem manifesto was published, a document called their “Pre-manifesto” was here. They say, at p41, they will “Respect and defend the rights and identities of all LGBT+ people, including trans and non-binary people”, and ban conversion therapy.

The Green Party

The Greens are strong trans allies, as their manifesto confirms.

Reform UK

The Reform Party draft manifesto would make life for trans people impossible.

I say, “Vote to expel the Conservatives”. Tory policy on trans, as on the economy and everything else, is dreadful, and only a Reform UK MP would be worse. A Labour government is likely, and that will almost certainly improve the economy and public services. The Conservatives govern in the interests of the plutocrats, not the people. Labour is less likely to do that- but if a Lib Dem or Plaid Cymru or Green candidate is more likely to win, vote for them. The fewer Conservative MPs there are, the better. In Scotland, don’t let a Tory in. Alba is dreadful on trans. The SNP worked hard for gender recognition, over three consultations, but Kate Forbes being deputy First Minister may indicate a rolling back of support.

Here is We Deserve Better, targeting seats where candidates from the Left might unseat centrist Labour MPs, without the risk of letting a Tory in. Thanks to Sonia Sodha (she called them “foolish and self-indulgent”) for spreading news of their campaigns. They suggest Carla Denyer, Green Party, in Bristol Central.

In Northern Ireland:
Sinn Féin is supportive.
The Alliance Party is supportive.
SDLP MPs have been supportive, and the Belfast News Letter reports that the SDLP welcomed the Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Bill.
The former DUP deputy leader, Paula Bradley, in July 2021 said positive things about trans. But more recently MP Carla Lockhart has been hostile, and so has MLA Jonathan Buckley.
The People Before Profit Alliance is Trotskyist. I can’t find anything on their position on trans.
Traditional Unionist Voice has a partnership with the Reform party. Their only MLA, Jim Allister, opposes LGBT rights.
I can’t find anything on the UUP.
That is all the parties that currently have MLAs.

23 May: Victoria Atkins, Tory health minister, and Wes Streeting, her Labour shadow, both agree to ban the import of puberty blockers for trans children. This is difficult to manage. But, they did it.

22 May: election announced.

21 May: Maria Caulfield, Conservative, writing in the Express says Labour will simplify gender recognition, by allowing GPs to make the diagnosis. That would make it a lot easier, though she says nothing about the two year wait. It’s always good when haters share good news, but this is very little good news. As she is writing as a true believer for a right wing propaganda sheet, the article is full of rhetoric about how this is Bad and Scary.