
Last week, I pupated.

Last month, I awoke at war.

I am growing and developing and changing, and it is beautiful.

Pupation later. War first, a simple example. There I am in the Park, enjoying the sunshine, lakes, swans, blackberries. I am in William Blake’s “see Heaven in a Wild flower” mode- naturally high, who needs chemicals- and I see a child in a wheelchair. My heart goes out to him, and I think, Oh, the poor child!

Then I get to thinking about this. No, that is completely the wrong way to see it. Here is a child, enjoying the sunshine, lakes, swans, perhaps blackberries, with a couple, perhaps his grandparents, chatting away animatedly. He thinks he hears a woodpecker, they are not sure. None of this, Oh the poor child, thank you. It is beautiful.

I noticed in the Spring that, rather than being “half empty”, my glass was quite dry. And that is not the way to be. My glass can be overflowing with sweet clear refreshing water, and all I need to do is see it. So I am at war. I will find all my negative views of the world, and I will replace them with positive views, because those are more true and more real, and help me to function better. The more I do this, the stronger and happier I get, the more Reality I notice, the more I become truly me.

7 thoughts on “Hello

  1. Oh thank you for this. Thank you. You are speaking my mind as well. I, too, am fighting a war of the same kind. May we be victorious and may our cups overflow. Brightest blessings to you.

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  2. Clare I have been reading your blog for the last hour and want to say…Wow….you are a prolific writer.. you have ventured into amazing possibilities for self realization…your journey has been profound ..I read 4 days with your mother..and the rewrite…have entered into the realm of the perfection of your experience…

    .”my glass can be overflowing with sweet clear refreshing water”… I wanted to quote Byron Katie “The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with reality. We are the cause of our own suffering-but only all of it. There is no suffering in the world; there’s only an uninvestigated story that leads you to believe it. There is no suffering in the world that’s real.” ending with “Isn’t that amazing”!
    from my heart to yours Robyn

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  3. Hi Clare,
    Well it’s take me a long time to get there but now i see that glass half full and teming with life as well, i try to see the beauty in everything as that is the kind of lady i am. It’s nice to see someone else thinking along the same lines.


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